
惠利之道 育儿有道 2024-03-30 6659

近日,名嘴Nick Wright在名嘴ColinCowherd播客节目中说湖人应该首轮打掘金。后来他又在《First Things First》节目中有提到了这一观点,他说:“如果湖人队想进总决赛,就必须击败掘金队。如果这样的话,他们就应该希望能在首轮就对阵掘金,因为首轮是唯一可以让他们不休息就开打的。你想想,如果湖人遇上雷霆,他们打到了抢七,而掘金只用4场就干掉了火箭然后他们就开始休息,那我就不对湖人抱有希望”。引来热议,一起来看看球迷如何评论!

Why are we talking about a 9 seeds chances to make the finals


I agree that’s the only chance, otherwise lakers got no chance after multiple PLay offs rounds


Love your takes Nick but this is wrong. This is a bad match up. Face them last if you have to and hope the Suns or whoever else matches up better ousts them first.


Nah, the Lakers need time to reintegrate Vando into the lineup


so they rather play the nuggets than the thunder ?


How many times has the Lakers beaten the Nuggets in the past 10 games they’ve played? Anyone? (The answer is twice)

在过去 10 场比赛中,湖人队击败过掘金队多少次? 有吗?(答案是两次)

I kind of agree, in the sense you play them with the most energy and hopefully most health on your side. You’re going to have to play them either way if you goal is championship.


The Lakers are only where they are at because the NBA wants them to be. This isn’t speculative, it’s a fact!! This is the proof!!

湖人队之所以能取得现在的成绩,是因为 NBA 希望他们这样。这不是推测,这是事实!!这就是证据。

I don't like Wright at all, but I agree with him on this one... assuming, of course, the Lakers make the 8th...and relatively healthy.

我一点也不喜欢Nick Wright,但我同意他的观点......当然,前提是湖人队能排西部第8......而且相对健康。

I think the Mavericks are big enough to throw different bodies at Joker!! I believe the Mavs can beat the nuggets !! That's just me though.


Any take from Nick that involves his boyfriend Lebron can not be taken seriously. He turns into a high school girl hyping up his varsity star boyfriend, telling everyone how he will be a CEO soon and they'll make plenty of babies together.


Click bait tweet, but nick’s reasoning makes sense. If you have to beat the nuggets anyway, may as well try it when you’re the healthiest and most rested.


This is absolutely the correct take. More rest, a chance to catch Denver before they get into their groove. You'd rather have them in the first round then conference finals.


If they wanna go to Cancun early then sure


The best chance the Lakers got is to hope that someone else knocks Denver out the playoffs. But if the Lakers play them in any round they're getting swept


The NBA playoffs are highly dependent on match-up and injuries. Maybe another team matches up against Denver better and beats them or by the time they get to the conference finals they have one or two injuries. If you can avoid seeing them early, that might be ideal.

NBA 季后赛在很大程度上取决于对阵和伤病情况。也许另一支球队与丹佛队的对阵更好并击败了他们,或者当他们进入西部决赛时,他们有一两个人受伤了。如果你能避免提前看到他们,那可能是最理想的。

I hate this guy, but this is sound logic. Plus they’ll get all that extra time off for the summer instead of wasting a few weeks getting to their eventual sweep


It's insane to think the Lakers can beat Denver but I understand his point of playing them early with the added rest


If we beat Denver in round 1, it's a chip! Easy


and I would have a better chance at beating Mike Tyson if i had a good nights rest, doesn’t mean it would ever happen though, this was a hollow take


lol all lakers fans talking about avoiding the nuggets while the lakers are up for what ever challenge that’s ahead






近日,名嘴Nick Wright在名嘴ColinCowherd播客节目中说湖人应该首轮打掘金。后来他又在《First Things First》节目中有提到了这一观点,他说:“如果湖人队想进总决赛,就必须击败掘金队。如果这样的话,他们就应该希望能在首轮就对阵掘金,因为首轮是唯一可以让他们不休息就开打的。你想想,如果湖人遇上雷霆,他们打到了抢七,而掘金只用4场就干掉了火箭然后他们就开始休息,那我就不对湖人抱有希望”。引来热议,一起来看看球迷如何评论!

Why are we talking about a 9 seeds chances to make the finals


I agree that’s the only chance, otherwise lakers got no chance after multiple PLay offs rounds


Love your takes Nick but this is wrong. This is a bad match up. Face them last if you have to and hope the Suns or whoever else matches up better ousts them first.


Nah, the Lakers need time to reintegrate Vando into the lineup


so they rather play the nuggets than the thunder ?


How many times has the Lakers beaten the Nuggets in the past 10 games they’ve played? Anyone? (The answer is twice)

在过去 10 场比赛中,湖人队击败过掘金队多少次? 有吗?(答案是两次)

I kind of agree, in the sense you play them with the most energy and hopefully most health on your side. You’re going to have to play them either way if you goal is championship.


The Lakers are only where they are at because the NBA wants them to be. This isn’t speculative, it’s a fact!! This is the proof!!

湖人队之所以能取得现在的成绩,是因为 NBA 希望他们这样。这不是推测,这是事实!!这就是证据。

I don't like Wright at all, but I agree with him on this one... assuming, of course, the Lakers make the 8th...and relatively healthy.

我一点也不喜欢Nick Wright,但我同意他的观点......当然,前提是湖人队能排西部第8......而且相对健康。

I think the Mavericks are big enough to throw different bodies at Joker!! I believe the Mavs can beat the nuggets !! That's just me though.


Any take from Nick that involves his boyfriend Lebron can not be taken seriously. He turns into a high school girl hyping up his varsity star boyfriend, telling everyone how he will be a CEO soon and they'll make plenty of babies together.


Click bait tweet, but nick’s reasoning makes sense. If you have to beat the nuggets anyway, may as well try it when you’re the healthiest and most rested.


This is absolutely the correct take. More rest, a chance to catch Denver before they get into their groove. You'd rather have them in the first round then conference finals.


If they wanna go to Cancun early then sure


The best chance the Lakers got is to hope that someone else knocks Denver out the playoffs. But if the Lakers play them in any round they're getting swept


The NBA playoffs are highly dependent on match-up and injuries. Maybe another team matches up against Denver better and beats them or by the time they get to the conference finals they have one or two injuries. If you can avoid seeing them early, that might be ideal.

NBA 季后赛在很大程度上取决于对阵和伤病情况。也许另一支球队与丹佛队的对阵更好并击败了他们,或者当他们进入西部决赛时,他们有一两个人受伤了。如果你能避免提前看到他们,那可能是最理想的。

I hate this guy, but this is sound logic. Plus they’ll get all that extra time off for the summer instead of wasting a few weeks getting to their eventual sweep


It's insane to think the Lakers can beat Denver but I understand his point of playing them early with the added rest


If we beat Denver in round 1, it's a chip! Easy


and I would have a better chance at beating Mike Tyson if i had a good nights rest, doesn’t mean it would ever happen though, this was a hollow take


lol all lakers fans talking about avoiding the nuggets while the lakers are up for what ever challenge that’s ahead






