
惠利之道 体坛辉煌 2024-03-28 8054


Celtics are so shaky in the clutch it's an issue since 2022

凯尔特人队在关键时刻摇摇欲坠,这是自 2022 年以来的一个问题。

People on here didnt watch the game they r just watching score n then jump on media with an opinion


Boston lacks consistency in important moments, it needs that for the playoffs or another lost season


It’s okay we already locked up #1 seed and still the best team in the league. Let em have their moment.


Once Boston three pointers not falling is something different the team doesn't look the same need to mix it up more


Lol we won the east we could literally lose the rest of our games and it wouldn't matter now its about staying healthy go celtics


Who cares. Celtics can lose every game for the rest of the season and still win the east. Hawks are in 10th place lol. They won't make it to the playoffs as usual 

谁在乎呢?凯尔特人可以在本赛季余下的比赛中全输,但仍能赢得东部冠军。老鹰排在第 10位,笑死人了,他们照样进不了季后赛。

if you are ahead of 11 wins in the east and 7 wins ahead in the west. win doesn't matter anyway...

如果你在东部领先 11 个胜场,在西部领先 7 个胜场,胜负就不重要了.....

Parlay every since sports betting we have games that turn out like this


And this is why I don't trust Boston. When they get a lead they take their foot off the gas. Not sold on them winning the championship.


Reminds me of when they choked a 20 point lead in 6 minutes to the Cavs.. or when the Celtics lost at home to the Lakers without Lebron and Anthony Davis.. or when they got the brakes beat off them at home by 40 by the Bucks. Just goes to show this Celtics team is the most overrated team in NBA history and they will never win a championship. First round exit incoming

这让我想起了他们在 6 分钟内领先 20 分的情况下被骑士队逆转,凯尔特人队在没有勒布朗和安东尼-戴维斯的情况下在主场输给湖人队,以及他们在主场被雄鹿队狂胜40分。这足以说明这支凯尔特人队是 NBA 历史上最被高估的球队,他们永远不会赢得总冠军。首轮出局在即。

NBA has to investigate all these teams or maybe the commissioner should just declare that he is working for Vegas


This win, feels good. We saw the Hawks team go down by 30 but not give up. As disgruntled as I've been this season with them, this win speaks Volume to the character of them.

这场胜利,感觉很好。我们看到老鹰队在落后 30 分的情况下没有放弃。虽然本赛季我一直对他们不满,但这场胜利充分体现了他们的性格。

They scored as many the 1st quarter (44) as they did the entire 2nd half. 

他们(凯尔特人)在第一节的得分(44 分)与整个下半场的得分一样多。

I’ve seen enough…Joe Bumzulla needs to go ASAP no


We're not going to win ring with this guy


Tough to win when you only hit 1 three in the second half. Glad we already secured the 1 seed. Keep resting people.

下半场只投中 1 个三分球,很难获胜,很高兴我们已经确保了东部第1的位置,继续休息吧。

Embarrassing L. This team is too soft, they don’t have that championship DNA. It’s actually difficult to punt a 30 pt lead to a play in team missing their best player. This team has no heart.


Even if this loss mattered (it doesn’t) we have a month to tweak things before the playoffs start, we already know we’re the 1 seed


Celtics most def a 1st round exit , this will be the last year we see Brown and JT together







Celtics are so shaky in the clutch it's an issue since 2022

凯尔特人队在关键时刻摇摇欲坠,这是自 2022 年以来的一个问题。

People on here didnt watch the game they r just watching score n then jump on media with an opinion


Boston lacks consistency in important moments, it needs that for the playoffs or another lost season


It’s okay we already locked up #1 seed and still the best team in the league. Let em have their moment.


Once Boston three pointers not falling is something different the team doesn't look the same need to mix it up more


Lol we won the east we could literally lose the rest of our games and it wouldn't matter now its about staying healthy go celtics


Who cares. Celtics can lose every game for the rest of the season and still win the east. Hawks are in 10th place lol. They won't make it to the playoffs as usual 

谁在乎呢?凯尔特人可以在本赛季余下的比赛中全输,但仍能赢得东部冠军。老鹰排在第 10位,笑死人了,他们照样进不了季后赛。

if you are ahead of 11 wins in the east and 7 wins ahead in the west. win doesn't matter anyway...

如果你在东部领先 11 个胜场,在西部领先 7 个胜场,胜负就不重要了.....

Parlay every since sports betting we have games that turn out like this


And this is why I don't trust Boston. When they get a lead they take their foot off the gas. Not sold on them winning the championship.


Reminds me of when they choked a 20 point lead in 6 minutes to the Cavs.. or when the Celtics lost at home to the Lakers without Lebron and Anthony Davis.. or when they got the brakes beat off them at home by 40 by the Bucks. Just goes to show this Celtics team is the most overrated team in NBA history and they will never win a championship. First round exit incoming

这让我想起了他们在 6 分钟内领先 20 分的情况下被骑士队逆转,凯尔特人队在没有勒布朗和安东尼-戴维斯的情况下在主场输给湖人队,以及他们在主场被雄鹿队狂胜40分。这足以说明这支凯尔特人队是 NBA 历史上最被高估的球队,他们永远不会赢得总冠军。首轮出局在即。

NBA has to investigate all these teams or maybe the commissioner should just declare that he is working for Vegas


This win, feels good. We saw the Hawks team go down by 30 but not give up. As disgruntled as I've been this season with them, this win speaks Volume to the character of them.

这场胜利,感觉很好。我们看到老鹰队在落后 30 分的情况下没有放弃。虽然本赛季我一直对他们不满,但这场胜利充分体现了他们的性格。

They scored as many the 1st quarter (44) as they did the entire 2nd half. 

他们(凯尔特人)在第一节的得分(44 分)与整个下半场的得分一样多。

I’ve seen enough…Joe Bumzulla needs to go ASAP no


We're not going to win ring with this guy


Tough to win when you only hit 1 three in the second half. Glad we already secured the 1 seed. Keep resting people.

下半场只投中 1 个三分球,很难获胜,很高兴我们已经确保了东部第1的位置,继续休息吧。

Embarrassing L. This team is too soft, they don’t have that championship DNA. It’s actually difficult to punt a 30 pt lead to a play in team missing their best player. This team has no heart.


Even if this loss mattered (it doesn’t) we have a month to tweak things before the playoffs start, we already know we’re the 1 seed


Celtics most def a 1st round exit , this will be the last year we see Brown and JT together






